David Rowles, one of our teachers, is also a professional Sound Engineer. He has over 10 years of experience in live theatre, and touring shows. Here is a list of shows he has been a part of.

Gig List

Date Concert Type of Show Venue Position
11/04/15 Barrule – Album Launch Music Show Peel Centenary Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
28/03/15 Lava El Elefante Music Show Noa’s Bakehouse – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
28/12/14 Mollagh Ghennal Music Show Douglas Masonic Hall – Isle of Man Monitor Engineer
14/12/14 Vanessa-Mae Music Show Moscow Monitor Engineer
10/12/14 Vanessa-Mae Music Show Minsk Monitor Engineer
29/11/14 Manx Norweigian Concert Music Show Peel Centernary Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
03/10/14-04/10/14 Guitar Fest Music Festival Villa Arcade – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
21/09/14 Mec Lir – Album Launch Music Show Noa’s Bakehouse FOH Engineer
19/09/14 Smile – Katherine Crowe Tribute Music Show Gaiety Theatre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
12/09/14 Vanessa-Mae Music Tour Odeon of Herodes Atticus – Athens Monitor Engineer
29/08/14-31/08/14 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham – Surrey FOH Engineer
02/08/14 Vanessa-Mae Music Tour FOH Engineer
16/07/14-20/07/14 Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival Music Festival Various – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
05/07/14 O’Hooley and Tidow Music Tour Erin Arts Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
20/06/14-22/06/14 Big Wheel Blues Festival Music Festival Villa Marina – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
09/04/14 Archibald Knox Anniversary Concert Music Show St. German’s Cathedral – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
15/02/14 Ruth Keggin Music Tour Peel Centenary Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
26/01/14 Jon Gomm Music Tour Jabberwocky – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
25/01/14 Jon Gomm Music Tour Port St. Mary Town Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
10/01/14 Arrane Son Mannin Music Show Peel Masonic Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
28/12/13 Mollag Ghennal Music Show Douglas Masonic Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
09/11/13 Manx Norwegian Concert Music Tour Erin Arts Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
30/08/13-01/09/13 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham – Surrey FOH Engineer
17/07/13-21/07/13 Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival Music Festival Various – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
13/07/13 Jeff Lang Music Tour Port St. Mary Town Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
30/06/13 Vanessa-Mae Music Tour Russia Monitor Engineer
10/05/13-12/05/13 Big Wheel Blues Festival Music Festival Villa Marina – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
11/01/13 Arrane Son Mannin Music Showcase Peel Masonic Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
27/12/12 Mollag Ghennal Music Showcase Douglas Masonic Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
23/11/12 Vanessa-Mae Private Function Monitor Engineer
01/11/12 Benny Gallagher @ Three Legs Festival Music Festival Villa Arcade – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
31/10/12 Hop Tu Naa @ Three Legs Festival Music Festival Youth Arts Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
30/10/12 Catfish Keith @ Three Legs Festival Music Festival Villa Arcade – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
29/10/12 Mike Scott @ Three Legs Festival Music Festival Villa Arcade – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
28/10/12 Lau @ Three Legs Festival Music Festival Centenary Centre – Isle of Man House Engineer
22/09/12 Mona’s Isle Music Tribute Centenary Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
01/09/12 – 02/09/12 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham – Surrey Festival Engineer
14/07/12 – 22/07/12 Yn Chruinnaght Festival Music Festival Isle of Man FOH Engineer
07/07/12 Party in the Park Music Festival Nobel’s Park – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
29/06/12 Vanessa-Mae Music Tour Krasnoyarsk – Russia Monitor Engineer
24/06/12 Steve Hackett Music Festival Isle of Wight Festival Drum Tech
03/06/12 Peel in Motion Music Festival Peel – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
20/05/12 Steve Hackett Music Tour London Monitor Engineer
05/05/12 – 06/05/12 Blues Festival Music Festival Isle of Man FOH Engineer
29/12/11 Mollag Ghennal Music Showcase Douglas Masonic Hall FOH Engineer
19/11/11 Truman Falls Music Tour Laxey WMI – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
22/10/11 Jackie Oates Music Tour Villa Arcade – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
02/09/11 – 04/09/11 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham – Surrey Festival Engineer
26/08/11 – 28/08/11 GuitarFest Music Festival Isle of Man FOH Engineer
30/07/11 Cara Dillon Music Tour Centenary Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
18/07/11 – 24/07/11 Yn Chruinnaght Festival Music Festival Isle of Man FOH Engineer
08/07/11 Vanessa-Mae Music Tour Cyprus Monitor Engineer
13/05/11 Steve Hackett Music Tour Rome Monitor Engineer
12/05/11 Steve Hackett Music Tour Bolonga Monitor Engineer
11/05/11 Steve Hackett Music Tour Milan Monitor Engineer
15/04/11 Retrospect Music Centenary Centre FOH Engineer
26/03/11 Simon Campbell and the Very Very Bad Men Music Centenary Centre FOH Engineer
12/03/11 24 Pesos Music Centenary Centre FOH Engineer
26/02/11 Catherine Crowe and Marcus Bonfanti Music Centenary Centre FOH Engineer
18/02/11 Radius Music Benefit Centenary Centre FOH Engineer
18/12/10 Retrospect Music Mount Murray FOH Engineer
31/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Aberdeen Monitor Engineer
30/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Inverness Monitor Engineer
29/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Dunferline Monitor Engineer
22/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Cheltenham Monitor Engineer
21/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Chatam Monitor Engineer
19/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Nottingham Monitor Engineer
16/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Barron-In-Furness Monitor Engineer
15/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Preston Monitor Engineer
13/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Northampton Monitor Engineer
10/10/10 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Southampton Monitor Engineer
05/09/10 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham FOH Engineer
04/09/10 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham FOH Engineer
29/08/10 Guitar Fest Music Festival Villa Arcade FOH Engineer
28/08/10 The Hamsters – Guitar Fest Music Festival Villa Marina Monitor Engineer
27/08/10 Guitar Fest Music Festival Villa Arcade FOH Engineer
18/07/10 Beoga at Yn Chruinnaght Music Festival Centenary Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
17/07/10 Emily Smith at Yn Chruinnaght Music Festival Centenary Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
16/07/10 Nos Lowen with Dalla at Yn Chruinnaght Music Festival Corrin Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
14/07/10 Harriet Earis and Ian Wyn Rowlands at Yn Chruinnaght Music Festival St. German’s Cathedral – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
12/07/10 Yn Chruinnaght Music Festival Ramsey Freemason’s Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
11/07/10 Yn Chruinnaght Music Festival Douglas Masonic Hall – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
10/07/10 Yn Chruinnaght Music Festival Scoill Ree Gorree – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
10/07/10 Yn Chruinnaght Music Festival Mooragh Park – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
13/06/10 Very Very Bad Men Music Tour Bushy’s Tent – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
02/04/10 Laxey Big Wheel Blues Festival Music Festival Laxey Pavillion – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
01/04/10 Laxey Big Wheel Blues Festival Music Festival Laxey Pavillion – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
24/03/10 The Unthanks Music Tour Centenary Centre – Isle of Man House Engineer
27/02/10 Martin Simpson Music Tour Centenary Centre – Isle of Man FOH Engineer
06/12/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Liverpool Monitor Engineer
05/12/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Folkstone Monitor Engineer
03/12/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Worthing Monitor Engineer
02/12/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Hampton Court Monitor Engineer
28/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Grimsby Monitor Engineer
27/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Southampton Monitor Engineer
26/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Aberystwyth Monitor Engineer
21/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Whitely Bay Monitor Engineer
20/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Aylesbury Monitor Engineer
15/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour St. Ablans Monitor Engineer
14/11/09 Elvis Tribute Act Music Tour St. Ablans Monitor Engineer
13/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour High Wycombe Monitor Engineer
12/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Peterbough Monitor Engineer
06/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Chesterfield Monitor Engineer
04/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Derby Monitor Engineer
01/11/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Kings Lynn Monitor Engineer
31/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Stevenage Monitor Engineer
30/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Blackburn Monitor Engineer
25/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Dartford Monitor Engineer
23/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Croydon Monitor Engineer
18/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Newcastle Monitor Engineer
17/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Inverness Monitor Engineer
16/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour <Aberdeen/td> Monitor Engineer
08/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Aldershot Monitor Engineer
07/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Southend Monitor Engineer
06/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Southend Monitor Engineer
04/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Northampton Derngate Monitor Engineer
03/10/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Birmingham Monitor Engineer
05/09/09 – 06/09/09 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham, Surrey FOH Engineer
28/08/09 – 30/08/09 Retrofest Music Festival Loudoun Castle, Scotland Stage Crew
19/07/09 The Chris Stout Trio/Calan Yn Chruinnaght – Music Festival Centenary Centre – Peel, IOM FOH Engineer
18/07/09 Esquisse/King Chiaullee Yn Chruinnaght – Music Festival Corrin Hall – Peel, IOM FOH Engineer
17/07/09 The Nuala Kennedy Quartet/Leski Yn Chruinnaght – Music Festival Centenary Centre – Peel, IOM FOH Engineer
16/07/09 Rachel Hair Yn Chruinnaght – Music Festival The Cathedral – Peel, IOM FOH Engineer
27/06/09 Little Shop Of Horrors Musical Show Centenary Centre – Peel, IOM FOH Engineer
24/06/09 Little Shop Of Horrors Musical Show Centenary Centre – Peel, IOM FOH Engineer
29/04/09 Mark Thomas Comedy Tour The Stables Theatre FOH Engineer
25/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Tinghallen – Viborg Monitor Engineer
24/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Vaerket – Randers Monitor Engineer
23/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Amager Bio – Copenhagen Monitor Engineer
17/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Edinburgh Playhouse Monitor Engineer
16/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Robin 2 – Bilston Monitor Engineer
15/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Hexagon Theatre – Reading Monitor Engineer
12/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Pavilion Theatre – Weymouth Monitor Engineer
11/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Hall for Cornwall – Truro Monitor Engineer
09/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Cheltenham Town Hall Monitor Engineer
05/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Southport Theatre Monitor Engineer
04/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour City Hall – Hull Monitor Engineer
03/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Royal Concert Hall – Glasgow Monitor Engineer
01/04/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Eden Court – Inverness Monitor Engineer
29/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour The Waterfront – Belfast Monitor Engineer
28/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour The Corn Exchange – Cambridge Monitor Engineer
27/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour The Royal Theatre – Wakefield Monitor Engineer
26/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour The Royal Theatre – Wakefield Monitor Engineer
24/03/09 Moya Brennan Music Tour The Stables House Technician
22/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour De Monfort Hall – Leicester Monitor Engineer
21/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Indigo2 – London Monitor Engineer
20/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Regent Theatre – Christchurch Monitor Engineer
19/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Leas Cliff Hall – Folkstone Monitor Engineer
15/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Grand Opera House – York Monitor Engineer
13/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Albert Hall – Bolton Monitor Engineer
12/03/09 Kathryn Tickell Band Music Tour The Stables House Technician
11/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour The Anvil – Basingtoke Monitor Engineer
04/03/09 Charlie Landsborough Music Tour The Stables House Technician
03/03/09 Marlene Ver Planck Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
01/03/09 Illegal Eagles Music Tour Grove Theatre – Dunstable Crew
27/02/09 Nicky Prince & Tom Gamble Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/02/09 Acker Bilk Music Tour The Stables House Technician
25/02/09 Jim Moray Music Tour The Stables House Technician
24/02/09 Fascination Aida Music Tour The Stables House Techician
21/02/09 Bacalao Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
20/02/09 Atila Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
19/02/09 Colin Bluntstone Music Tour The Stables House Technician
18/02/09 Fairport Convention Music Tour The Stables House Technician
17/02/09 Sandi Thom Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
11/02/09 Billy Ocean Music Tour The Stables House Technician
07/02/09 Wotton Upper School – Jazz Evening Education Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
25/01/09 Christine Tobin Music Tour The Stables House Technician
24/01/09 Bob Malone & Jules and the Gamblers Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
23/01/09 Mesh & Silverfall Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/01/09 C’mon Everybody Music Tour The Stables House Technician
16/12/08 Koshka: Russian Winter & Gypsy Fire Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/12/08 Gerry Cross The Mersey Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
13/12/08 Sailor Music Tour The Stables House Technician
12/12/08 Philip Dyson Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
11/12/08 Kajagoogoo Music Tour The Stables House Technician
10/12/08 Kajagoogoo Music Tour The Stables House Technician
04/12/08 Think Floyd Music Tour The Stables House Technician
02/12/08 Branco Stoysin Trio Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
30/11/08 Jadran Dumcumb Music Tour The Stables House Technician
29/11/08 Rachel Furner & Greg Coulson Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
28/11/08 Andy Abraham Music Tour The Stables House Technician
27/11/08 Beverly Craven Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
16/11/08 Woburn Sands Band Music Concert The Stables FOH Engineer
14/11/08 The Commitements Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
13/11/08 Peter Grant Music Tour The Stables House Technician
12/11/08 The Searchers Music Tour The Stables House Technician
11/11/08 Simon Kirke & Freeway Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
05/11/08 It’s a Raid Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
04/11/08 Lau Music Tour The Stables House Technician
02/11/08 Ceilidh Experience Educational Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
01/11/08 Martyn Joseph Music Tour The Stables House Technician
31/10/08 Curved Air Music Tour The Stables House Technician
30/10/08 Talon Music Tour The Stables House Technician
24/10/08 Joanna Eden Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
23/10/08 Marie, Chris, Arty & Nollaig Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
22/10/08 Barb Jungr Sings Nina Simone Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/10/08 Julie Fowlis Music Tour The Stables House Technician
14/10/08 Billy Cobham & Asere Music Tour The Stables House Technician
13/10/08 Walter Trout Music Tour The Stables House Technician
11/10/08 Legend Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
09/10/08 Kasai Masai & Atongo Zimba Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
08/10/08 Dennis Locorriere Music Tour The Stables House Technician
07/10/08 Wishbone Ash Music Tour The Stables House Technician
01/10/08 Preston Reed Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
29/09/08 Southside Johnny Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
27/09/08 Chris Symth & Daniela Bove Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/09/08 The Best Ever Blues Brothers Show Music Tour The Stables House Technician
25/09/08 Richard Digance Comedy/Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
23/09/08 Martin Taylor & Alison Burns Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
22/09/08 An Evening with the Misfits Charity Gig The Stables FOH Engineer
20/09/08 The Hamsters Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
18/09/08 Karen Matheson Music Tour The Stables House Technician
17/09/08 Hotclub of Cowtown Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
12/09/08 Stackridge Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
11/09/08 In Dreams Music Tour The Stables House Technician
07/09/08 Weyfest Music Festival The Rural Centre, Farnham FOH Engineer
06/09/08 Weyfest Music Festival The Rural Centre, Farnham FOH Engineer
04/09/08 Jason Manford Comedy Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/07/08 Nanci Griffith Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
25/07/08 Andy Fairweather Low Music Tour The Stables House Technician
13/07/08 Towcester Rock School Rock School Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
11/07/08 G2 Genesis Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
10/07/08 Debashish Bhattachrya Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
03/07/08 One Night With Elvis Music Tour The Stables House Technician
02/07/08 One Night With Elvis Music Tour The Stables House Technician
01/07/08 Toscha Comeaux Music Tour The Stables House Technician
29/06/08 DFour Music Tour The Stables House Technician
27/06/08 Larry Miller Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
25/06/08 Concert For Christine Benefit Concert The Stables FOH Engineer
24/06/08 Richard Fleechman Music Tour The Stables House Technician
17/06/08 The Wonder Stuff – Acoustic Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
14/06/08 Mundo Jazz Music Tour The Stables House Technician
13/06/08 Solstice Music Tour Riga Bar Tour FOH Engineer
12/06/08 Eric Bibb Music Tour The Stables House Technician
10/06/08 Candido Fabbre Music Tour The Stables House Technician
07/65/08 Sarah Jane Morris Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
06/06/08 Lenny Henry Comedy Tour The Stables House Technician
05/06/08 Gabriella Cilmi Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
30/05/08 Acoustic Alchemy Music Tour The Stables House Technician
30/05/08 Electric Strawbs Music Tour The Stables House Technician
28/05/08 Samay Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/05/08 Melanie Music Tour The Stables House Technician
23/05/08 Ian Shaw sings Ray Charles Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
16/05/08 Horses Brawl Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/05/08 John Power Band Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
14/05/08 Robben Ford Music Tour The Stables House Technician
13/05/08 Tannahill Weavers Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
27/04/08 Show of Hands Music Tour The Stables House Technician
22/04/08 Miller Anderson Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
19/04/08 Bacalao Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
18/04/08 Stairway to Zeppelin Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
17/04/08 Los Pistoleros Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
16/04/08 Todd Gordon & Barbara Morrison Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/04/08 The Fureys & Davy Arthur Music Tour The Stables House Technician
05/04/08 Cream’d Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
04/04/08 Pete Atkin Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
02/04/08 Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
31/03/08 Jackie Leven Music Tour The Stables House Technician
28/03/08 Joe Brown Music Tour The Stables House Technician
22/03/08 John Dankworth and Cleo Lane Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
20/03/08 Never The Bride Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
18/03/08 Justin Adams & Juldeh Camara Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/03/08 East Herts Concert Band Brass Band Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
14/03/08 ZiG Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
13/03/08 Buddy Holly and the Cricketeers Music Tour The Stables House Technician
12/03/08 Oyster Band Acoustic Music Tour The Stables House Technician
09/03/08 Aynsley Lister Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
05/03/08 Screaming Blue Murder Comedy Show The Stables FOH Engineer
29/02/08 Tina Dico Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
22/02/08 Are You Experienced? Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
19/02/08 Moishe’s Bagel Music Tour The Stables House Technician
11/02/08 The Misfitz Music Tour The Stables House Technician
02/02/08 Wooton Upper School Jazz Night Education Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
27/01/08 Edwin Starr Band Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/01/08 Solstice Music Tour The Peel FOH Engineer
25/01/08 Chris Garrick – Tribute to Grappelli Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
22/01/08 Lianne Carrol Trio Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
19/01/08 Raw Rhythm Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
18/01/08 Syd Lawrence Orchestra Music Tour The Stables House Technician
Various Snow Queen Musical Theatre The Stables Sound Operator
11/12/07 Kate Rusby Music Tour The Stables House Technician
08/12/07 London Community Gospel Choir Music Tour The Stables House Technician
06/12/07 The Big Chris Barber band Music Tour The Stables House Technician
27/11/07 The Poozies Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
25/11/07 The Barron Knights Music Tour The Stables House Technician
24/11/07 Rachel Unthank and the Winterset Music Tour The Stables House Technician
22/11/07 Vieux Farka Toure Music Tour The Stables House Technician
20/11/07 Mark Thomas Comedy Show The Stables FOH Engineer
19/11/07 Geoff Gascoyne Project Music Tour The Stables FOH Operator
18/11/07 Tango Siepmre Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
17/11/07 Woburn Sands Band Local Brass Band The Stables FOH Engineer
16/11/07 Bernie Marsden Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
13/11/07 Polar Bear Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
07/11/07 Horse Music Tour The Stables House Technician
06/11/07 Joanna Eden Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
03/11/07 Marytn Joseph Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
31/10/07 Gregg Kofi Brown Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
30/10/07 Guy Davis Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
28/10/07 The Vocal Experience Music Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
27/10/07 Nearly Dan Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
26/10/07 Music Theatre Project Performace Education Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
24/10/07 Mary Coughlan Music Tour The Stables House Technician
23/10/07 Davy Graham Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/10/07 Angels Choir Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
13/10/07 Jonatha Brooke Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
12/10/07 Ray Gelato Music Tour The Stables House Technician
11/10/07 Gretchen Peters Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
10/10/07 Screaming Blue Murder Comedy Show The Stables FOH Engineer
06/10/07 Dennis Locorriere Music Tour The Stables House Technician
05/10/07 Ruby Turner Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
03/10/07 Gilbert O’Sullivan Music Tour The Stables House Technician
02/10/07 Kate Walsh Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
28/09/07 Chris Farlowe and The Norman Breaker Band Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
27/09/07 Martin Taylor & Alison Burns Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/09/07 The Story’s & Hummingbird Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer/House Technician
23/09/07 Colin Fry Medium Showcase New Theatre Oxford FOH Engineer
22/09/07 Solstice Music Tour The Pitz FOH Engineer
20/09/07 An Audience with John and Cleo Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
19/09/07 Richard Digence Comedy Show The Stables FOH Engineer
18/09/07 The Neil Cowley Trio Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
16/09/07 Solstice Music Tour The Robin 2 FOH Engineer
15/09/07 Clem Curtis Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
14/09/07 Sharon Shannon Music Tour The Stables House Technician
13/09/07 Talon Music Tour The Stables House Technician
12/09/07 he Stables Collective Music Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
07/09/07 Terry Lightfoot’s Jazzmen Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
06/09/07 Flook Music Tour The Stables House Technician
05/09/07 Steve Gifford Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
02/09/07 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham FOH Engineer
01/09/07 Weyfest Music Festival Farnham FOH Engineer
30/08/07 Pasadena Roof Orchestra Music Tour The Stables House Technician
14/08/07 Jessica Williams Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
11/08/07 NYMC Junior Show Summer School Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
04/08/07 NYMC T2 Show Summer School Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
28/07/07 NYMC T1 Camp Summer School Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
19/07/07 Antonio Forcione Music Tour The Stables House Technician
15/07/07 The Rock Experience Music Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
14/07/07 Pama International, Titan System, 2FT High Music Tour The Pitz FOH Engineer/House Technician
12/07/07 10cc Music Tour The Stables House Technician
06/07/07 Kyle Eastwood Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
30/06/07 Diamond Theatre Group Show Music Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
28/06/07 Tony Stockwell Medium Showcase New Theatre Oxford FOH Engineer
26/06/07 Eric Bibb Music Tour The Stables House Technician
20/06/07 Papa Noel Music Tour The Stables House Technician
10/06/07 Glenn Miller Band Music Tour The Stables House Technician
09/06/07 Howard Jones Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
01/06/07 Ray Wilson & Band Music Tour The Stables House Technician
31/05/07 Claire Martin Music Tour The Stables House Technician
22/05/07 Alec Dankworth Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/05/07 Maddy Proir Music Tour The Stables House Technician
10/05/07 Jan Akkerman Music Tour The Stables House Technician
08/05/07 Wishbone Ash Music Tour The Stables House Technician
06/05/07 The Waterboys Music Tour The Stables House Technician
05/05/07 Gerry and The Pacemakers Music Tour The Stables House Technician
28/04/07 Woburn Sands Brass Band Local Brass Band The Stables FOH Engineer
21/04/07 Curtis Stigers Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
20/04/07 Viva Santana Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
17/04/07 Tina Dico Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
06/04/07 Punt & Dennis Comedy Show The Stables House Technician
05/04/07 Danny Bryant’s RedEye Band Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
30/03/07 Mostly Autumn Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
29/03/07 Feast of Fiddles Music Tour The Stables House Technician
29/03/07 Burden of Paradise Music Tour The Stables House Technician
17/03/07 Martyn Joseph Music Tour The Stables House Technician
15/03/07 Adel Salameh Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
13/03/07 Focus Music Tour The Stables House Technician
02/03/07 Joan Armatrading Music Tour The Stables House Technician
01/03/07 Joan Armatrading Music Tour The Stables House Technician
17/02/07 Barbara Dickson Music Tour The Stables House Technician
16/02/07 Barbara Dickson Music Tour The Stables House Technician
Various Arabian Nights Musical Theater The Stables FOH Engineer
03/12/06 Steeleye Span Music Tour The Stables House Technician
30/11/06 Show Of Hands Music Tour The Stables House Technician
28/11/06 Jefferson Starship Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
25/11/06 Elkie Brooks Music Tour The Stables House Technician
23/11/06 Midge Ure Music Tour The Stables House Technician
18/11/06 Peter Grant Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
15/11/06 NDR Bigband Music Tour The Stables House Technician
14/11/06 The Be Good Tanyas Music Tour The Stables House Technician
09/11/06 Karine Polwart Music Tour The Stables House Technician
27/10/06 Lea Delaria Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/10/06 Cream’d Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/10/06 Music Theatre Project Performace Education Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
25/10/06 Eric Bibb Music Tour The Stables House Technician
15/10/06 June Tabor Music Tour The Stables House Technician
14/10/06 Woburn Sands Band Local Brass Band The Stables FOH Engineer
12/10/06 Hazel O’Connor Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
10/10/06 Wishbone Ash Music Tour The Stables House Technician
07/10/06 Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash) Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
05/10/06 Talon Music Tour The Stables House Technician
28/09/06 Brian Poole and the Tremeloes Music Tour The Stables House Technician
21/09/06 Blue Harlem Music Tour The Stables House Technician
15/09/06 Jeremy Hardy Comedy Show The Stables FOH Engineer
14/09/06 Ummagummaa Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
09/09/06 Ola Onabule Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
07/09/06 Seth Lakeman Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
03/09/06 Real Diamond Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
02/09/06 Peter Edwards Music Tour The Stables House Technician
12/08/06 NYMC Junior Presentation Summer School Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
29/07/06 NYMC T1 presentation Summer School Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
19/07/06 Fullbrook School School Show The Stables House Technician
18/07/06 Fullbrook School School Show The Stables House Technician
15/07/06 Jimmy Carl Black Band Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
09/07/06 Towcester School Of Rock Music Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
30/06/06 Courtney Pine Music Tour The Stables House Technician
25/06/06 Rock Experience Concert Music Showcase The Stables FOH Engineer
17/06/06 Kings Of Swing Music Tour The Stables House Technician
21/06/06 Lunasa Music Tour The Stables House Technician
27/05/06 Marty Wilde & the Wildecats Music Tour The Stables House Technician
25/05/06 Nerina Pallot Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
20/05/06 Crusaders 100th Birthday Christina Festival Royal Albert Hall Stage Crew
13/05/06 Mostly Autumn Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
12/05/06 Marvin Ruffin’s Motown Memories Music Tour The Stables House Technician
03/05/06 Yamaha Corporate The Stables Set-up Crew
02/05/06 Yamaha Corporate The Stables Set-up Crew
25/04/06 The Fureys Music Tour The Stables House Technician
22/04/06 Ian McNabb Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
12/04/06 Buddy Grecco and NYJO Music Tour The Stables House Technician
25/03/06 Dennis Locorriere Music Tour The Stables House Technician
22/03/06 Shiva Nova Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
20/03/06 Ex King Crimson, Yes, Enid Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
18/03/06 Woburn Sands Band Local Brass Band The Stables FOH Engineer
16/03/06 Ian Siegal Band Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
14/03/06 THA-Daimler Chrysler Corporate The Stables Set-up Crew
13/03/06 THA-Daimler Chrysler Corporate The Stables Set-up Crew
11/03/06 Hogan’s Heroes with Albert Lee Music Tour The Stables Monitor Engineer
10/03/06 The Christians Music Tour The Stables House Technician
08/03/06 Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen Music Tour The Stables House Technician
05/02/06 Strange Fruit – The Billie Holiday Story Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
04/02/06 Viscount Oliver’s Legendary Four Tops Music Tour The Stables House Technician
29/01/06 Dolly Parton Story Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
27/01/06 Syd Lawrence Orchestra Music Tour The Stables House Technician
26/12/05 The Borrowers Play The Stables Lighting Operator
26/12/05 The Borrowers Play The Stables Lighting Operator
09/12/05 Maddy Prior Music Tour The Stables House Technician
02/12/05 The Real Thing Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer
26/11/05 Jake and Elwood – Blues Brothers tribute Music Tour The Stables FOH Engineer